








在2010年,哈特福宗教研究所(Hartford Institute for Religion Research)到3万5千间非宗派的教会去计算他们的会众人数,得到的结果是1千2百万。这个脱离历史性的宗派的趋势,与美国人对宗教派别的怀疑态度,明显有关。


德州贝勒大学的神学教授欧尔逊(Roger Olson)说:“转往非宗派教会的趋势强到一个程度,甚至连原来属于宗派的教会也尽量避免提到他们与某宗派之间的关系。”


“使徒行传29章”的教会网络(Acts 29-Churches Planting Churches)受到人们的注目,因为他们在植堂、年轻的领导、及异象方面非常独特。像这一类的教会网络超越了许多宗派。他们提供训练、资源、并对教会及牧师们负责。这样的结构其实与原来的宗派有相似之处。个别的教会可以同时参加网络,而继续留在原来的宗派之内。“使徒行传29章”的会长陈德勒(Matt Chandler)就同时也牧养美南浸信会的“村庄教会”。


这个趋势也在教会的名称上反映出来。地方教会的名称愈来愈少加入她们所属的宗派。在美国全国福音派联合会的理事会成员一共有40个宗派的代表。但是,63%的成员说,他们教会的名称并没有显示所属的宗派。现在“流行”的教会名称之一是“社区教会”(Community Church)。

在福音运动的内部,在1970年代兴起的灵恩及“耶稣人民”(Jesus People),包括加略山教堂(Calvary Chapel)及葡萄园,都强调只需自称是基督徒,甚至批评宗派是具分裂性的组织。这些批评在许多人心中产生了长远的影响。

贝勒大学的欧尔逊教授说: “有一种往‘泛基督教’走向的趋势。这个趋势是以情感为中心,务实但是多少有些反智。当教会忽视或故意遮掩专属宗派的一些重点时,会众自然就会往“最小公分母”的属灵方向去走。于是,剩下的就只有‘敬拜’以及缺乏认知内容的‘门徒训练’。结果是排除了历史性、根据圣经教导的基督教,而成为民间宗教。”




3 responses to “美国基督徒持续脱离宗派(渔夫)2017.09.29”

  1. 谈呢 Avatar


    1. Chen HanJie Avatar
      Chen HanJie


  2. Samuel Xiao Avatar
    Samuel Xiao

    The same here in Australia, more leaving the traditional institutional-structured churches, independent like “Hill-song” type churches attracting young Christians to their worship;
    Clearly these mega- trend calling the historical older traditional institutional churches need to face up to the challenge or face judgement, start asking themselves why and how to rebuild God’s house ( for all nations) as Jesus, the King of kings has intended for the world of “others”, for those socially-isolated, political-excluded, sinners and poor alike; The reaction to these changes, unfortunately, was desperate efforts to “protect” the old and further drawing boundaries and walls to separate the “churches” from the “others”; Some turning churches into corporate like organisation with CEO and modern corporate policy to protect the old, I seen older traditional evangelical churches become unable to function as an active missional body, church live looking inward not outwardly for the lost and for the (whole) world; long standing cultural characters clearly setting boundaries for new comers, no-doubt we will see more such us-centered-churches will be closed; It is a period of test that God or time will judge us;

    Chinese churches, therefore, has a new opportunity to fill this gap as well as avoid falling into the same mistakes of the past where western churches has allowed themselves to be called out as the elder brother who lost the love for the lost son of the “Father”;

    Denominational rules become the partisan pharisaic holiness codes function more as gate-keeper and not the attractive-light to the world; I might even say, Jesus is not their “King” but policy and budget their “high-priest”, committees their “temple”; Not until western or even our Chinese churches enthrones Jesus who welcomes sinners, as the center and the King of our faith community, the Kingdom of God is not with us.

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