Year: 2009

  • 我不知道在八福,我和我的一家能做什么。但是,我来了,是天父把我安置在这里的。这,已使我心满意足了。现在,我知道,单单牺牲我的喜好,顺服他的旨意,是不够的。我还要喜悦他的旨意,让他的喜好成为我的喜好(《箴》23:26)。他不要勉强的、不甘心的奉 献,他要的是甘心的祭、喜乐的灵。他耐心地等着我心意更新,等著属肉体的人,弃绝肉体的喜好,寻求属灵的法则。他等我,实在等得太久了!


  • In fact, I was not well acquainted with Sister Wen. I knew about her, but she did not know me. A few years back when I was just a new believer, I would take a back seat during Sunday services. Sister Wen also sat in the back as she had to care for the people…


  • 有平安在我心

    Constantly Abiding Anne S. Murphy(1878-1942) 周瑞芳 本文原刊于《举目》35期 (一) 有平安在我心,非世界所能赐,无人能够夺这平安; 虽试炼与艰难,犹如愁云环绕,这平安却永在我心间! There’s a peace in my heart that the world never gave, A peace it cannot take away; Though the trials of life may surround like a cloud, I’ve a peace that has come here to stay! 副歌 永远在我心间,耶稣属我; 永远在我心间,无上快乐; 主永不把我撇弃,慈声对我说: “我永不离开你”,耶稣属我。 Refrain Constantly abiding, Jesus…
