Month: January 2008

  • 讚美基督耶穌

    周瑞芳 本文原刊於《舉目》29期 早晨金光照亮, When morning gilds the skies 醒來我心歌頌, my heart awaking cries: 讚美基督耶穌; May Jesus Christ be praised! 無論祈禱作工, Alike at work and prayer, 與耶穌常交通, to Jesus I repair: 讚美基督耶穌。 May Jesus Christ be praised! 敬向天上父神, To Thee, O God above, 傾吐愛慕之心, I cry with glowing love, 讚美基督耶穌; May Jesus Christ be Praise; 神聖喜樂之歌,…
