











這也是宣教普及教育(或稱宣教通識教育)的切入點(niche)。其實目的不是要如神學院裝備回應特殊呼召的少數宣教菁英,而是對於整體教會從牧者到初信者的典範轉移(paradigm shift)。下一篇天下事(8月3日),我會與各位分析報告包括把握時機(Kairos)挑戰視野(NVision)宣教心視野(Perspectives)探索/起來動員吧(Xplore/Go Mobilize)等已經在各處如火如荼進行的裝備課程,它們各自的特色與侷限。




One response to “差傳動員的過去現在未來(上)(彭書睿)2018.07.06”

  1. Sam Xiao Avatar
    Sam Xiao

    Dear Rev Chen:

    Living in the western country for years I think the lost of new-vision inside Western Church old structure and education or teaching fouce is no longer cross-culture, today Evangelical means a “better” church, a better “me”, a “better” faith-community and in some case, a better “method” in today’s context,
    The lost of vision to going inside cross culture community or building bridges to “CROSS” over to other-culture communities has been deemed old fashion and non-essential copmared to other method or theological shift;

    More and more church leaders and denomination consideration is to attract by whatever means for the other gentile non-christian to come to “us” and adopted to “us” or “our” ways, “thoughts” and “structure/program” as one of us because we have the best ways and know how to live the better faith and practise.

    The old fashion incrnation to the needy and to others of different culture and/or civilization is old fashion, because it was 2000 years old, and considered too costly and not “efficient”, Christ no longer a person but a media figure, not a person living among our neighbourhood but a miracle worker or a fix-all consultant on demand basis.

    Church and Christian lost the simply ways of life and the value of living in poverty, wealth and richness is Christ best gift to all and not Himself as Saviour and Lord, When success and efficiency took over the incarnate Christ as the focus any mission will lost their value no matter what method or paradigm shift we think we might be achieving.

    Hope Western and Chineses Churches again live in the old fashion paradigm of Christ the incarnated-person and God of all Life and eternal Truth.

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