Tag: BH31
Those who live, study or work abroad often care very much about their hometown in China. Whenever they plan to return home, they think about the relatives and friends they are going to meet, and cannot help but be very excited.
高楼林立,车水马龙。 满街都是饭店,找不到教堂。 到处都是人,听不到祈祷的声音。 望着匆匆的人群,我问:“主啊,你的作为在哪里?” 主的微声在内心响起:“通过你和你们,我触摸他们。”
我知道 离你的距离有多远 我日夜兼程地赶路
在世仅43年的艾撒拉(Sarah Flower Adams,1805-1848)有一次应牧师的邀请,根据《创世记》28:10-22的记载,写成了这首诗。