Tag: 成圣

  • 成圣须用工夫

    本文原刊于《举目》48期 成圣须用工夫,常与主交谈;时常住在主中,饱尝主圣言。 与主儿女为友,帮助软弱人,凡事不论大小,莫忘求主恩。 Take time to be holy, Speak oft with thy Lord, Abide in him always, And feed on his word. Make friends of God’s children; Help those who are weak, Forgetting in nothing his blessing to seek. 成圣须用工夫,世人何忙碌;在密室朝见主,领受主恩福。 注目仰望耶稣,你就必像主,亲友从你行为,能看见耶稣。 Take time to be holy, The world rushes on; Spend much time in secret…
