Category: 詩歌選粹
聖詩的作者喬凡尼(Giovanni Francesco di Bernardone)出生在意大利一個優越富裕家庭裡。他不但沒有被奢華所腐蝕,反而處處流露出謙卑、溫和、饒恕,以及對神的信靠。
周瑞芳 本文原刊於《舉目》39期 亞伯拉罕的神,在天統治萬民,古今將來萬世之宗,慈愛的神; 偉大唯一真神,上天下地同尊,我敬低頭讚美聖名,永世無盡。 The God of Abraham praise, who reigns enthroned above; Ancient of everlasting days, and God of Love; Jehovah, great I AM﹗ by earth and Heav’n confessed; I bow and bless the sacred Name forever blessed. 亞伯拉罕的神,我已奉你旨意,情願啟程遠離故土,往尋福地; 拋棄世俗歡愉、榮祿權勢名利,我既有主,萬事俱足,靠主不移。 The God of Abraham praise, at Whose supreme command From earth I rise-and seek…
舊事已過一切成新 你洗淨我一切的污泥稱我為義 我通体透明潔白美麗 在你的掌心我欣喜若狂掩面而泣在聖靈和真理中祈禱
本文原刊於《舉目》38期 普天之下萬民萬族 都當向主歡呼頌揚 敬畏事奉虔誠頌讚 到主面前高聲歌唱 All people that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice. Him serve with fear, His praise forth tell; Come ye before Him and rejoice. 普世當知獨一真神 親手創造萬物萬人 我們都是上主群羊 主必看顧提攜牧養 The Lord, ye know, is God indeed; Without our aid He did us make; We are His folk,…
以撒•華滋(Isaac Watts, 1674-1748) 周瑞芳 本文原刊於《舉目》37期 真神是人千古保障, 是人將來希望; 是人居所,抵禦風雨, 是人永久家鄉。 O God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Our shelter from the stormy blast, And our eternal home. 在主寶座蔭庇之下, 群聖一向安居; 惟賴神臂威權保護, 永遠平安無慮。 Under the shadow of Thy throne Thy saints have dwelt secure; Sufficient is Thine arm alone, And our defense…
E. Margaret Clarkson (1915-present) 周瑞芳 本文原刊於《舉目》36期 (一) 照樣差你──去工作不望酬勞,不貪名譽,不受感激愛顧, 忍受責備,忍受譏笑與藐視,照樣差你──獨自為我勞苦。 So send I you to labor unrewarded, to serve unpaid, unloved, unsought, unknown, To bear rebuke, to suffer scorn and scoffing– so send I you to toil for me alone. (副歌) “父神怎樣差遣我,我也差遣你” (Refrain) “As the Father hath sent me, So Send I you.” (二) 照樣差你──包裹醫治破碎心,流淚工作,喚醒流浪的人, 前去肩負困乏世界的重擔,照樣差你──為我忍受苦難。…
Constantly Abiding Anne S. Murphy(1878-1942) 周瑞芳 本文原刊於《舉目》35期 (一) 有平安在我心,非世界所能賜,無人能夠奪這平安; 雖試煉與艱難,猶如愁雲環繞,這平安卻永在我心間! There’s a peace in my heart that the world never gave, A peace it cannot take away; Though the trials of life may surround like a cloud, I’ve a peace that has come here to stay! 副歌 永遠在我心間,耶穌屬我; 永遠在我心間,無上快樂; 主永不把我撇棄,慈聲對我說: “我永不離開你”,耶穌屬我。 Refrain Constantly abiding, Jesus…
瑞典的史篤慕 (August Ludvig Storm,1862-1914)作的這首聖詩(Hymn)深深感動著全世界許多的人,因為他是一個鮮活的見證。37歲就因背疾而癱瘓,但他從未間斷他事奉神的工作。
星星在幽暗裡閃爍 沉思的歌者在凝視 我的心一天天憂傷 我的骨一天天枯乾 心中羡慕你 裡面的靈切切尋求你 請給我光 照亮暗昧的心和回家的路